8. Scholarship(Lending)
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To ensure that all players can enjoy MarkmarkGo, a scholarship feature will be introduced. This feature utilizes an automated payment process. When a racehorse is rented, the owner is not required to directly send the racehorse to the borrower's wallet. Instead, the racehorse is held in an escrow account. This approach minimizes the risk for both the borrower and the owner, providing a secure and reliable experience for all parties involved.
Owners can rent racehorses for a fixed period of time, allowing borrowers to participate in races with the racehorses they have borrow.
The owner has the option to lease the horse directly to a specific wallet or market, with the agreement that profits will be shared between the borrower and the owner. If both parties are in agreement, there is no rental fee required. Any prizes or revenues generated from the leased horse will be distributed at a predetermined rate between the owner and the borrower. This arrangement allows for flexibility in leasing arrangements and ensures a fair distribution of earnings between the involved parties.